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I'm Lauren


Graphic Designer

Hello I’m Lauren Gibbs a fresh graduate from the University of Gloucestershire. I have been able to explore a range of pathways whilst studying but my main interests within the creative industry are Brand Identity, Brand Communication, Packaging design and brand strategy. All four of these areas have given me a greater insight in how to make brands and design become consumer led and ensure that it is constantly  engaging for the intended audience. I am an enthusiastic designer who wants to be able to develop and is keen to learn more skills through my creative career.



Employment & Experience


John Lewis

Selling & Service Partner- Employment

Taking my previous retail experience further I have been able to apply these transferable skills and build upon them to help me improve my previous skills ensuring that I am consistently learning and developing. I have been able to expand my product knowledge whilst working for this company, and achieve a higher skill set. By working within this partnership I have been able to meet clients needs face to face and cope under pressure when meeting these needs and the clients satisfaction.

February 2020 & 2019 

Touch Point Design

Work Placement

I was able to work alongside the Creative Director and Junior Designer where I helped to optimise, populate and update clients websites through Word Press. By learning different functions within this programme it has taught me broader skills on what applications could be used within the creative industry. I was also able to be set mini briefs each day to complete some were live client briefs but others were personal to Touchpoint themselves. The client briefs consisted of GIFs, digital advertisement and learning after effects to bring these designs to life. This placement has taught me a range of new skills and work to live deadlines to ensure the design work was produced and sent in time. 

November 2019


Work Placement
 This placement I was able to spend my time with the Strategy Director and work on a live client brief and dissect the research into a visual brief for the designers to work and build upon, this also gave me the opportunity of being able to create a live presentation and strategy which would be pitched to the client. This placement has given me transferable skills which I will be able to take forward and build upon through the creative industry.

February 2017

Wild + Wolf

Work Placement

I was involved with observing and learning from the Junior designer on how their development and delivery process worked. I was able to gather a greater insight of this by participating in client briefings and meetings to understand how the studio started and finished briefs. The Creative Director set me a task of using the brand assets to create personal branding and elements within their studio. This helped me to understand how to use brand guidelines to ensure that the designs stay relevant and on brand. 



Sales Advisor & Key Holder- Employment 

When working for Debenhams I was able to up skill my customer service and communication skills whilst meeting the standard and satisfaction to a high standard. I was able to take out daily tasks and learn new skills which helped me to become successful within a team and as a sales advisor. In this role I was able to develop my skills and have greater responsibly on my department by becoming a key holder, this taught me to overcome harder problems when working along side a colleague to meet the costumers needs.


Want to collaborate on some work or discuss my current work? Then please get in touch and lets work together! 


Thank you for your message!


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